Look what Tani did!

Tani's current mood is: The current mood of icejuunanagou@howamazing.com at www.imood.com

Well, here's everything I've managed to do while flitting around the internet. Updates probably won't be the most regular thing in the world. I'm quite lazy and tend to procrastinate. I'm actually quite impressed that I made it this far. But never fear, I shan't desert you. I'll just be a little slow. Enough babbling about that now though. Let the games begin!

September 28, 2006
There are three new stories up: The Taste of Smoke, Vision in Pink, and Speechless. Contrary to appearances, I've actually been writing more lately, so updates should be becoming at least a little more frequent. I don't think I can really do much worse, at any rate. ;)

January 28, 2005
*pointedly doesn't mention date* So I finally got around to editing a story that I finished a while ago, and I posted it. It's called Phone Calls, and can be found under Hockey. Because I'm just that obsessed. ;)

September 13, 2004
Don't even ask. I haven't really been writing a lot so there hasn't been anything to update, so yeah. This is only a tiny update anyway. A short while ago I wrote a short little perspective of Diana from FAKE. That's what this is. Oh, and I changed my email address. It's now anbakoori@yahoo.com. Just so y'all know. Oh, there is good news though. I'm hoping this update will be like a forerunner. In other words, with any luck, more will be coming! So stay awake! ^-^

February 15, 2004
Yes, I'm holding to tradition by having several months between updates. *laughs* Oops. But anyway, I've added a whole new section of fics. Hockey slash!! There's five of them, and they're up in the Writings section. Being silly is fun!

July 29, 2003
What did I say about other updates? Well, here's one now! I've added Will and Won't in the Originals section. *bows* Please, hold all applause! ^-^

July 28, 2003
For the last time I'm going to direct your attention to my announcement on June 30th. It's important!

Anyway, the revamp has been successfully completed, and I've added a fic. It's called Learning Experiences in the Miscellaneous Books category. For more info, head on over to the writings! (And cross your fingers for other updates soon!)

July 22, 2003
Once again, the announcement from June 30th is extremely important, so please go read it if you haven't already.

In other news, I've revamped the site a little, consolidated the fiction. It's not really that different, and it's easier to get around. Other updates should hopefully be coming soon, so watch for it!

July 2, 2003
If you haven't already read the announcement from June 30th, I suggest you do so now. Other than that, I've posted A Secret of the Heart in the Originals section. Happy reading!

June 30, 2003
This is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT, so please pay attention here. As you can see, it's been more than half a year since I've updated this place. In light of that, I have an announcement to make. I'm going to close Preserved in Amber to submissions, and I think it's only fair in addition to that that I take down all the fics by authors other than myself that have been posted here. So, I'm sorry, but from now on, this website is intended to house only my own stories, meager though that amount may be.

I sincerely apologize to anyone whose works have been removed, but I simply don't have the time and ambition to handle such an extensive website. I regret having to do this, but there are many other websites much better than my own that do host other people's fiction. I'm sure no one will have any problems in that area. So good luck, and I'm sorry once again. Thank you.

November 30, 2002
Well, here's another update, just as promised! *makes victory sign* Am I good or what? ^^ So, I've added the first chapter of Wood & Wild by Heliona to the Harry Potter section. Enjoy!

November 29, 2002
Now don't faint, but I've updated. Wow, you say? I know! Isn't it amazing?? ^-^ So, I've added the first chapter of Harry Potter and the Demon Knights by Potter/Pikachu to the Harry Potter section. *makes shooing motion* So, go, shoo, look at it, and with any luck there'll be another update soon to follow. Cross your fingers for tomorrow!

September 3, 2002
Oh, wow, I've been seriously neglecting this. *throws self on ground* A thousand pardons! I'm afraid lazy teenager syndrome takes over during the summer. Too bad it's all over tomorrow. *sighs* So, I updated. There's a new story by Anda in Harry Potter Fanfiction. So go read it! Shoo! ^-^

July 13, 2002
Not an update, just an announcement. I'll be gone for the next two weeks approximately, on my yearly vacation. I won't be updating or responding to any email in that time. Sorry. See you when I get back, minna-chan!

July 8, 2002
It's actually the ninth, but I updated yesterday. Tripod was just acting up, and wouldn't let me finish. Anyway, I've a new original story by me called Word Games, as well as the next chapter to Yuna's Digital Enchantment. Enjoy!

June 28, 2002
Boredom from the loss of fanfiction.net has prompted me to work diligently on my newest project, and now I've put it up for your viewing pleasure. In the Miscellaneous section, I've added my own Reviews section, comprised of reviews of books I've read. There's only a few there now, but it'll be expanding.

June 17, 2002
Second chapter of Digital Enchantment is up! Go read it! And on a more personal note, 2 Regents (state tests) down, 2 to go! Yes!

June 15, 2002
My first submission! Yaysies! Yuna has submitted her Digimon fic Digital Enchantment. Thank you Yuna! ^-^

May 22, 2002
Um...hi! I actually updated a week or two ago, but forgot to mention it. Oops. So anyway, the miscellaneous books section has been added with my story called "Keeping the Shadows at Bay." At least I think that's what it's called. I changed my mind several times. ^-^

April 15, 2002
Do you know what today is, my dear hobbits? I got my learner's permit today! I can drive! Whoo-hoo! (And I think you can tell I've been reading Lord of the Rings fanfiction too. My dear hobbits? Where'd that come from?) In any case, I updated a bit yesterday, just forgot to mention. Next part of Fetish is up! ^-^ I've also been updating little things, but not mentioning them. Bad me! Hopefully you'll see more action now though, I'm tired of being stressed out. Hopefully vacation will prove a likely cure. ^_^

February 20, 2002
I've finally updated!! Winter Recess has given me the time needed to catch back up to Rummi dear. So I've added the next four chapters of Anomaly, plus her two new fics Fetish, and Geminus Vis. They're all in the Digimon section. Hopefully I'll be updating some more this week. The next few weeks are really busy for me though, so expect me back sometime around the middle of March. RL sucks!! ^-^

January 13, 2002
Tonight I have a special treat for you! *drumroll* Presenting...*cut drumroll* my latest fic, Satisfaction!! It's in the Digimon section, so go check it out! *takes a bow* Thank you, thank you!!

January 9, 2002
Hey, Rummi-chan's started a new fic. Anomaly in the Digimon section of course! *laughs* Pray for snow!! I am! ^-^

January 4, 2002
Happy New Year! Girl Chat is over. Last chapter was just added tonight. Wah! I'm so sad.... T_T

December 23, 2001
Girl Chat's been updated once again. Probably my last update before Christmas, so here's wishing everyone a very merry Christmas. May your holiday be full of joy!! ^-^

December 18, 2001
Girl Chat's been updated, plus two other stories by Rumpleteasza. I'm in kind of hurry, gotta scurry, you can discover them yourselves in the Digimon section! One more day of school, and then I'll hopefully be back to more regular updates. See ya then!! ^-^

December 11, 2001
Hey, Girl Chat's been updated in the Digimon section! Man, Rummi-chan's really keeping me busy. ^_^

December 10, 2001
*waves banner* Yay!! I caught up with Rumpleteasza. I have posted all her fics so far, and you can find them in the Digimon section. I'm far too lazy to give you individual links right now. ^-^

December 8, 2001
Dang, I lied. Didn't update last night because I went to a hockey game. The good news is, my team won! Final score: 5-4. Gotta love that! Bad news, is while I posted two fics by Rumpleteasza tonight, the rest won't be up until at least tomorrow. However the fics I posted are Tenderness in the Harry Potter section and Best Day in the Digimon section. ^-^ Enjoy!

December 6, 2001
Hey, two updates in as many days! ^-^ Wow! Well, I finished posting all of Romie's Harry Potter fiction, it's all there. I'm so proud of myself! And tomorrow I'll most likely be posting another in Harry Potter and Digimon. I'm one busy evil person. My wisdom of the day is: Everything is evil except Harry Potter (the person) and garlic.

December 5, 2001
Well, I've finally managed to do something. A Harry Potter section has been created and within it you can find Love Ridden by Romie. ^-^ Enjoy! I'm afraid I couldn't finish tonight though, so expect the rest up by tomorrow.

November 23, 2001
Posted three fics by Catia today! You can find Caught on Tape, Late Night Realizations, and Hanging on the Moment in the Digimon section. Yay! ^^

November 22, 2001
I finally posted the last of my fics today. Guess I'll either have to work a little harder on my own or go hunt up some stuff by other people. ^_^ Probably the latter. Anyway, Victory is Hollow in the Originals section is up. Enjoy! And once again Happy Thanksgiving!

November 21, 2001
Been doing some tweaking for the past couple of days and added some stories. Introspection in the Pokemon section, and Invasion in the Originals section. Will be working on the last few fics sometime later this week, probably tomorrow. If not though, Happy Thanksgiving! ^_^

November 5, 2001
Just a tiny little update. Worked on the Pokemon fics for a while, not really enough to mention, but this is my page and I'm gonna anyway! So there! ;)

November 2, 2001
I've finally gotten around to making an updates page! Yay for me! I also finished my About me page and added the links to the polls, about me, and updates sections! I've been a busy one tonight!

Go back to Preserved in Amber!