Hey, here are some of my favorite places to visit on the 'net. Check 'em out!!

Stop the Hate! Hate is the worst four letter word in the world!

Neopets - the place to get virtual pets. Really fun!

Really great webmaster resource. Lots of backgrounds.

Javascripts! Gotta love 'em! ^-^

Pocket-bishonen.com! Awesome place! Wanna see my bishonen? Click here. May take a while to load though.

Elfwood is the place to go all your fantasy and scifi needs.

Really awesome Quatre/Trowa site.

Free search engine submission and placement services!Some nice places to go if you're looking for some more hits! ^_^
Other recommendations!
Writer's University - Really great resource for any writer. I'd suggest visiting it immediately!
Get into it - Another great resource. This one is on writer's block and how to deal with it.
Fanfiction.net - This place has so much fanfiction it's unbelievable, and it's growing everyday. I'd seriously recommend going there. I'm there as Tani! ^-^
Kabalarian Philosophy Home Page - So many baby names it's unbelievable! 525,000!
SelectSmart.com Lots of fun stuff. Find out character you're most like in a number of shows!
Things I Support!

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