Fandom, Rating, Summary, Warnings, and Disclaimer: Refer to prologue.
I’m finally FREE!! It’s all over, the sneaking around, pretending to date Sora, Mimi, Yolei, even Kari once, it’s finally ended. Tai and I did it, together like we always said we would. All right, let me back up a little.
I haven’t been writing lately because I was so full of doubts and worry that I was afraid if I wrote it all down, I’d just give up. You know, from seeing all the ways that things could go wrong and everything. So I didn’t dare write anything down. I’ve been so busy worrying that I probably failed the last couple weeks of jail-er, I mean, school. Anyway, I digress. I was talking about why I’m finally FREE!!
You see, today was my 18th birthday, and just like Tai and I have always planned, we told them today. My parents I mean. They took it better than I thought they would too. They didn’t yell and scream or anything, just quietly ordered me out, never to return again. Much better than I expected. Although there was this one minute when I thought my father was going to hit me...Then again, if I was in his position I might have hit myself. I was being awfully annoying and full of myself.
Anyway, he showed tremendous self-restraint and didn’t, a wise choice on his part since Tai was ready to jump on him and start beating the shit out of him. Not that I’d really mind, but it wouldn’t do to have Tai get arrested for assault or something. That’s one good way to bring someone down.
"Yes, excuse me, are you Mr. Taichi Kamiya? Yes, well, I have an arrest warrant for you for assaulting your boyfriend’s father...You were provoked? Well I’m afraid that’s just too bad, ‘cos you’re going to jail." I can just see something like that happening just as everything is actually going right. Whoops, there I go, digressing again. Maybe I’d be a better writer if I learned not to go off topic like that. All well.
Anyway, back on topic, I’m going to be staying with the Kamiyas indefinitely. It’s just first there’s this little problem of money, which means I need a job. Until then, adoptive family for me. Hmm, maybe I shouldn’t call them that. After all, if they’re my adoptive family, that would mean I’m dating my adoptive brother. No, I think I’ll just call them my good friends. That’s much better.
Let’s see...where was I? Oh yeah, job, right. So in order to get an apartment on my own I need a job. I’ve been thinking about starting a band, I think I know some guys that might be interested. That’d be majorly awesome. I can just hear the crowd going wild wait, that just the TV. Nice dream though, and one that might even come true.
It seems like ever since I met Tai the world is just full of opportunities. Because of him I’m more than I ever thought I could be. Something about his charisma and personality seem to rub off on me so I can just be myself. I know that sounds strange, but it’s true. Without him I’d be a mere shadow, trapped in an endless circle of lies. He’s my everything.
Oooh, that sounded neat. All sappy and melodramatic. Basically it’d totally ruin my rep. Good thing no one besides me is reading this. They’d probably be laughing themselves into a seizure. Then I would walk in, see what was happening, and kill them while they were helpless in the throes of mirth.
Now where was I? I’ve really got to stop doing that! Oh yeah, babbling about nothing in particular. So while I'm rambling through the cluttered hallways of my mind, I might as well mention I’m going on a triple date tonight. Me and Tai, Izzy and Joe(did I mention that they got together about a week ago? Strange huh?) and Sora and Mimi.
Strange how all my friends seem to turn out gay. Just the other day TK admitted to me that he does like Cody, despite the prolonged denial he’s been going through. Then there’s Ken and Davis. Those two are so mushy sometimes that I either want to sit there, point at them and say "aww!" all day or gag.
Which reminds me. I really need to talk to Kari sometime. I’m positive that Yolei has a thing for her and all I need is any little hint about Kari’s feelings on the matter. I see another great couple in the making. Yet another job for Yamato Ishida, Cupid Extraordinaire!
Maybe that could be my job instead of the band. Float around all day shooting arrows of love. Sounds fun to me. Then again, isn’t Cupid usually naked? Nevermind, I save that for Tai. Private property, posted, no trespassing. You get the picture. Well, I guess I’d better wrap this up. Gotta get ready for my victory dinner with the others. Catch you later,
Yamato "Finally FREE!!" Ishida
P.S. Oh, and Tai, don’t worry, I’m not going to kill you for reading this. What’s yours is mine and vice versa. I was just screwing with your mind. Oooh, now there’s an interesting thought. Screwing someone’s mind. And with that inspiring thought I shall take my leave, this time for real.
Later to all people big and small who aren’t reading this anyway (except Tai) and until next time,